Snow fungus, goji berries and chicken soup

Snow fungus, goji berries and chicken soup – for calmness and positive energy (雪耳枸杞鸡汤)

Cantonese cuisine cherishes soups, offering a diverse range for every weather condition, season, and occasion. Whether to warm the body or cool one’s temperament, the essence of a good soup lies in harmonizing its ingredients for optimum nourishment. Snow fungus with goji and chicken is a prime example of such a well-balanced soup, known to rejuvenate both the mind and soul.

Snow fungus, alternatively known as silver fungus or white fungus, has earned its reputation as a remarkable fungal specimen. Throughout history, it was a prized remedy among royalty and affluent households, cherished for its purported ability to enhance overall health. It was believed to offer nurturing benefits to internal organs, skin, and cognitive function, alongside its potential anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties.

Rehydrated snow fungus (white fungus)
Rehydrated snow fungus (white fungus)

The use of goji berries as a herbal remedy has been recorded in various ancient Chinese medicine texts dating back as early as the 1500s. Today, goji berries remain a commonplace ingredient in Chinese cuisine, known for their purported positive effects on the liver, kidneys, alleviating sore backs, joint discomfort, fatigue, and even addressing issues related to poor eyesight. Many families continue to incorporate goji berries into their soups and teas for these potential health benefits.

Rehydrated goji berries
Rehydrated goji berries

Indeed, it does sound like magic. This soup offers warmth, gentleness, and comfort, and I hope you find it as delightful as it sounds.

  • 2-3 pieces of chicken thigh, roughly sliced (approximately 250g)
  • 1 snow fungus flower
  • 1 tablespoon of goji berries
  • 3 Chinese red dates, pits removed
  • Salt to taste
Chinese red dates
Chinese red dates


  • Soak the snow fungus in warm water for 10 minutes, then remove the stem and break it into small pieces.
  • In a saucepan, combine all the ingredients and add hot water. Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer with the lid on for about 1 hour.
  • Just before serving, add salt to taste.

4S2B2461 snow fungus, goji berries and chicken soup
Snow fungus, goji berries and chicken soup


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