'Dang gui' (white roots), goji (small berries), Chinese red dates, palm sugar (yellow)

Tradition Chinese herbal tea with ‘dang gui’ (當歸), goji berries (枸杞) and red dates (红枣) – a female health tonic

“Chinese herbal remedies cater to specific needs for both men and women. One such tonic is ‘Dang gui’ tea (當歸茶), traditionally used to enhance women’s health. It promotes increased blood supply, better circulation, alleviates menstrual discomfort, aids hydration, and supports anti-aging. My mother used to prepare this tonic using goji berries and Chinese red dates, and it’s truly magical.

Here’s a simple recipe for making this herbal tea. You can find Dangui, goji berries, and red dates at most Chinese grocery stores in Australia.


Note: Please consume in moderation to avoid overheating; this recipe yields 2 servings, meant to be enjoyed over 2 days.

  • 2 pieces of dried ‘dang gui’ (當歸)
  • 1 tbsp dried goji berries (枸杞)
  • 6-8 dried Chinese red dates (红枣)
  • 1 tbsp sugar (Chinese rock sugar or palm sugar preferred)
  • 1.5 cups of water

Note: Rock sugar is less sweet than regular sugar and is believed to offer nourishing benefits for the lungs and stomach, potentially providing relief from coughs. White rock sugar is produced using a modern method, while yellow rock sugar is made using a traditional method


Rinse the ingredients, then place them all in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid, and simmer for 30 minutes. Serve warm

'Dang gui' (white roots), goji (small berries), Chinese red dates, palm sugar (yellow)
‘Dang gui’ (white roots), goji (small berries), Chinese red dates, palm sugar (yellow)
Tradition Chinese herbal tea with 'dang gui' 當歸, goji berries 枸杞 and red dates 红枣
Herbs simmering in a saucepan
Tradition Chinese tonic (herbal tea) with 'dang gui' 當歸, goji berries 枸杞 and red dates 红枣
Tradition Chinese tonic with dang gui, goji berries and red dates


  1. […] Dang Gui or Angelica root is an excellent herb women can use and is often in may herbal formulas that helps women. of course it is best to take this herb in a formula rather than by itself. It needs other herbs to balance it. It is warm, sweet, and acrib. It enters the heart, liver and spleen channels. It tonifies the blood, invigorates blood, regulates menstruation, and alleviates pain. 4.5 to 15g. Caution taking if you have loose stools, diarrhea, damp or phlegm conditions. https://delishhomecook.com/2017/08/12/herbal-tea-dang-gui/ […]


  2. […] Dang Gui or Angelica root is an excellent herb women can use and is often in may herbal formulas that helps women. of course it is best to take this herb in a formula rather than by itself. It needs other herbs to balance it. It is warm, sweet, and acrib. It enters the heart, liver and spleen channels. It tonifies the blood, invigorates blood, regulates menstruation, and alleviates pain. 4.5 to 15g. Caution taking if you have loose stools, diarrhea, damp or phlegm conditions. https://delishhomecook.com/2017/08/12/herbal-tea-dang-gui/ […]

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